Simply having a job at Wizards of the Coast–the Renton-based company that makes “Magic: The Gathering” playing cards–qualifies someone as a geek of monolithic proportions. Stealing $45K worth of cards from the company launches that rating into the stratosphere. The P-I
reports Tuesday that Donald J. Henry, a 26-year-old from Burien, is suspected of making off with thousands of rare Magic cards during his stint working at Wizards.The only factor that seems to slightly lessen his +46 nerd rating is that Henry’s motive appears to be money and not simply having the coolest cards to throw down at the next basement sausage-fest. He was caught when someone reported that a vendor was trying to sell hundreds of rare cards at a Magic tourney in Portland. That vendor is homeboys with Henry.Reports the P-I:”The researched market value of the returned 1,753 Magic cards was $44,828.50,” the detective told the court. “That does not include the value of cards that were already sold or not recovered.”Besides getting fired from his job, Henry is facing first-degree theft charges.The good news for him is that criminals get exponentially more ass than Magic players do.