Well, folks, it’s been a great 15 months, but it’s time for this old ship to sail. Today will be my last day here at Seattle Weekly, as I recently accepted a contract position with Microsoft, producing news content with the MSN team and will begin tomorrow. I’d just like to say that it’s been an honor doing what I can to provide reporting, aggregation, analysis, and–occasionally–more than the necessary amount of snark to the day’s news. With a grand total of 2,009 posts written I’d say that if nothing else, at least I put my keyboard to good use. I’d like to thank my editors Mike Seely and Caleb Hannan for being, hands down, the best bosses I’ve ever worked for. I’d also to thank the entire editorial staff for being amazing journalists and amazing people. Most of all, I’d like to thank my readers for all the clicks, emails, comments, phone calls and letters (good, bad, and crazy) over the last year and a half. I’ve no doubt that you’ll be in good hands with whomever the Weekly finally settles on as a replacement. While I won’t be writing regularly for SW anymore, this likely won’t be the last time my byline graces its pages, since my new job will free me up for freelance work. I’ll also be working on a book that I’ve been kicking around for a couple years now, so keep an eye out for that in the next, I don’t know, five-to-20 years or so. At any rate, folks who’re inclined to stay in touch and/or send me tips (like I said, I’ll still be freelancing stories) you can do so at my personal email address: curtiscartier@gmail.com.Thanks again, folks. Much love. Curt