As I write this I’m coming back from not one but two

As I write this I’m coming back from not one but two taped interviews with major UK news networks.The subject: Like I really need to tell you.Amanda Knox fever–first contracted in Perugia Italy, then quickly spread worldwide–has once again reached pandemic levels. Yesterday, while Knox’s plane was in the air, obsessed media literally tracked her trip live.The Telegraph:”Thanks to the wonders of modern technology we can see that Knox’s plane is currently over Canada’s Auyuittuq National Park on”Not all the international press has remained content to watch the events unfold via the Internet. Indeed, many members have traveled to Seattle.There were some ## media members on hand when Knox’s plane touched down in Seattle today. Sky News UK had a full production crew set up at the Westin in Seattle where they interviewed me (though they probably would have interviewed our janitor if we’d sent him). Other foreign networks with boots on the ground in Seattle include BLAH BLAH.But the question remains: Are all these networks here just to get a few reaction stories, a couple photos of Knox avoiding them and perhaps a puff piece on Knox’s home town and then split? Or is Seattle set to play host to a longer-term foreign-press presence that’s looking for more in-depth feature coverage?NAME with the BBC told meQUOTENAME with Sky News said QUOTE