Your Daily Dose of Food News, Events and Must-Read Miscellany 1. Thrillist

Your Daily Dose of Food News, Events and Must-Read Miscellany

1. Thrillist has released a list of Seattle’s 8 Best Beer Bars, which includes The Pine Box, The Noble Fir, and Chuck’s Hop Shop.

2. PCC Natural Markets is running an online poll to determine shoppers’ favorite sandwich. This week you can vote in the Sandwich Championship finals, which is between the market’s Italian Pretzel Grinder and the Veggie Havarti.

3. In other listy news, Food & Wine magazine has published a list of the best places to drink wine in Seattle, contributed by Aragona’s Chris Tanghe, who is also one of Food & Wine’s 2014 Sommeliers of the Year. Among Tanghe’s top 10 picks are Bar Ferd’nand, Essex, and Mashiko.

4. E-payment technology like Square may be subliminally enabling higher tipping, reports the San Francisco Chronicle. Digital tipping interfaces that ask the customer to choose a tip amount, or press a button that reads “no tip,” often lead to higher tips than the old-fashioned paper receipt method.