A quick look at who’s being reviewed by whom:At the Times, Providence

A quick look at who’s being reviewed by whom:At the Times, Providence Cicero shows some love to Pizzeria Pulcinella in Rainier Beach. The same cannot be said of Queen Sheba in Capitol Hill, which Nancy Bartley (rather, her friend) calls the “Ethiopian Denny’s.” Youch. (May we suggest Dahlak instead?)Over at the competition, Jonah Spangenthal-Lee writes about Seattle’s efforts to keep up with the national street-food boom. Meanwhile, on her blog Nancy Leson scoops us all by finding another new food truck in Edmonds. At Eat, Play, Love, Sumi Hahn is not impressed with the black patches on her pizza at Tutta Bella.The Surly Gourmand loves up Spur, reveals coprophilic tendencies, insults your mother.