A good portion of yesterday’s bloggity nattering (and virtually all of mine)

A good portion of yesterday’s bloggity nattering (and virtually all of mine) had to do with the lovin’ of the pig. I talked about pig cookoffs and BBQ parties, about pig roasts and butchery and spring being the season for all things porkerific.And after that was all done, I needed to get me some pig of my own. So I did. And this is what I came back with. So tell me: Can you guess where I’m eating?Clues to come if no one gets this one right off the bat, so check back if you’re feeling stumped.First TWO clues After the jump:Clue #1:There are several great and historic barbecue regions in the United States. This ‘cue purports to be styled after the best of them.Clue #2:In the comments, Artulus guessed Pig Iron. Funny thing, Pig Iron was where I was planning on going, but the traffic headed south of the city was murder. So I headed northeast instead. Pretty far northeast. Into an area that no grown man would likely have cause to visit unless he was looking for some barbecue…