Myron had reportedly talked about killing himself for months.The running line coming

Myron had reportedly talked about killing himself for months.The running line coming from last week’s tragedy, wherein Pierce County Deputy Allen Myron killed his in-laws before turning the gun on himself, was a familiar one: “No one could have seen this coming.”But days after the shootings, a report indicates that, even if a double murder-suicide is something no one can anticipate, there were certainly signs that all was not right in Myron’s life.Already known was the back injury that kept Myron out of work for months, the money troubles that had him borrowing cash from Monty Multanen, the father in-law he would eventually kill, and the murder of five Pierce County deputies that left him depressed. Previously unknown, however, was the fact that Myron had tried to kill himself last December and that his wife, Sara, had called a domestic-violence detective just an hour before the shootings.Myron’s wife Sara was out of the house at the time, as were three of their kids.The trouble began last Friday when 70-year-old Monty and his wife Susan drove up from Vancouver for the weekend. That afternoon, gunshots woke Myron’s 15-year-old daughter from a nap in an apartment in the family’s detached garage.When she got up, she saw her dad shoot her grandmother in the chest. He told her to come with him, and when they were walking into the house she saw the body of her grandfather lying in the driveway.Myron told his daughter that the shooting was her mother’s fault for not returning his texts and not allowing him to see his other daughter, her sister, when she’d been in the hospital the night before. He also blamed her grandparents, accusing them of “interfering” in his relationship with her mom.Myron was mad at his in-laws for what he thought was their negative influence on his marriage.Myron then led his daughter up to the master bedroom where he tried to reach his wife on the phone. When he couldn’t get her, he told his daughter he was going to shoot himself, and that she should go lock herself in the basement.Negotiators on the scene eventually convinced Myron to let his daughter and a visiting family friend leave the house. For two-and-a-half hours, deputies talking with Myron heard him complain about how unhappy he was with the Sheriff’s department, but moreover how upset he was that his marriage was deteriorating, in part because of the influence of his in-laws.Around 10 p.m. deputies heard a muffled gunshot. When they entered the home they found the 49-year-old dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.