For those who never scooped up Canibus’ lyrical jack-move of LL Cool J on tape–that’s right, beeyatch, tape!–as a means of channeling your anger at the judge for giving you so many goddamn community service hours, then, please, do find a copy of “Second Round K.O.” It’s still one of the most intense and intricately sculpted body blows ever delivered in hip-hop, and makes all 50 Cent’s cynically cultivated “beefs” taste like soy burger. But Canibus–who infamously joined the army after knocking around the underground for many years–is more than a battle-rapper. Sure, he’s uneven, strange (all that alien stuff is a little much), but dude understands that hip-hop is less in the delivery and more in the writing. Try explaining that to 50 Cent. Sun., July 27, 9 p.m., 2008
For those who never scooped up Canibus’ lyrical jack-move of LL Cool