The Comet Tavern

Capitol Hill's Vomit Comet gets even more puketastic with the addition of hard booze.

When Chop Suey owner Chris Dasef expanded his clubdom to include Pike Street’s beloved Comet Tavern, rumblings of concern that the no-frills watering hole would be polished into a high-gloss establishment rolled through town. Nearly a year after he took the reins, however, folks’ fears have subsided, for the place has undergone little more than a spit-shine (a fresh coat of paint) and gotten a wicked resident booking agent, DJ Mama Casserole, who has a knack for putting together some of the best shows this town has the pleasure of seeing. Whether it’s a Norwegian garage-rock band like Orange Sunshine or quickly rising local talents the Cave Singers, the place is booked with solid bills every week. While some may miss the raucous karaoke nights (I once witnessed a dude propose on the mike, his sweetheart hurling a PBR at him in shock—she subsequently said yes), no one’s complaining about the addition of a few bottles of hooch behind the bar. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with a little touch-up here and there—and for the most part, the Comet’s stayed true to its original rough-around-the-edges charm. Heck, it even made Playboy‘s list of top 10 dive bars in the country. And if that don’t make a mama proud, I just don’t know what would. AJA PECKNOLD