The Comanche County, Okla., jury took all of 30 minutes to find

The Comanche County, Okla., jury took all of 30 minutes to find ex-soldier Rocky Donadio guilty of punching and stomping his girlfriend’s 8-year-old son so bad that his intestines burst. The reason: The boy deleted his Grand Theft Auto IV profile. KSWO reports the jury decision today.Originally the cops had received a call that the boy had fallen off his bed and sustained some injuries. But it quickly became clear that this was no minor accident.The young boy slipped into a coma and the excuses began to change–from the boy falling off the bed, to wrestling with his siblings, to one of the siblings leaping off the bed onto the younger one’s stomach.All the while, the cops just wanted the 8-year-old boy to wake up and tell them what happened.He finally did. And he told them how Donadio had beaten and stomped him repeatedly after he told him that he’d accidentally deleted his saved game on Xbox 360.Capt. Will Hines of the Lawton Police Department said in 2009 at the time:””The problem we had is the victim in this case was incoherent for the longest time, detectives could not interview him to ask him what had happened, the other siblings were obviously scared, didn’t know what to do.” Now, despite a valiant effort by Donadio’s sister through her blog “Donadio is Innocent” the 32-year-old was just handed a 75-year sentence, which, in the best case-scenario–being released after 80 percent of his sentence–means he’ll be 92 years old before he’s free to start a new Grand Theft Auto game.But being that the 8-year-old boy will likely never eat again on his own, now that most of his intestines and pancreas have been removed and replaced instead by tubes that deliver him nutrients, it’s safe to say that Donadio is still getting the better deal.