Sorry, kid–you lose!Four states–Washington, Alaska, Idaho, and Montana–have just one pediatric referral

Sorry, kid–you lose!Four states–Washington, Alaska, Idaho, and Montana–have just one pediatric referral center, the aptly named Children’s Hospital. Unfortunately, it’s located in the fancy neighborhood of Laurelhurst, which doesn’t like it when the hospital grows. Yesterday, the neighborhood got a big win when a city examiner agreed that Children’s proposed expansion was “too aggressive.” Ultimately, it’ll be the City Council’s decision whether to green-light the project.The expansion would add 1.5 million square feet to the hospital, but Laurelhurst Community Club president Jeannie Hale (doubtless calling on the organization’s comprehensive research into the medical needs of the region’s children) told the Seattle Times, “We were suggesting a more moderate expansion, something along the lines of 750,000 square feet instead of 1.5 million.”Of course, this isn’t the LCC’s first battle with Children’s. For example, a few years ago, when Children’s wanted to add helicopter pads, the LCC fought that too. From a Seattle Times article: “Hale said the concern was not about flying in critically ill or injured children, but that the hospital might noisily ferry in supplies and doctors anytime it wanted.” Because transporting personnel and supplies in non-emergency situations is a really cost-effective option. “Let’s just take the chopper–we can pretend we’re the traffic guys!” Hale also objected to Children’s proposed 160-foot tall towers (reduced from 240 feet to please the community). She said they’d be “much higher than any other major institution in a low density, single-family neighborhood.” (A neighborhood that’s half-a-mile from a giant shopping and soon-to-be housing center, just down the hill from one of the city’s urban centers, wherein it hopes to direct a large portion of its future growth.) She continues, “We have a wonderful neighborhood and we just want to keep it that way. You have to remember Children’s is a business, and they’re competing with other hospitals.” Yeah, guys. Think of the children NIMBYs.