Sign Language

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)Everyone has insecurities and fears. That’s natural. What’s unnatural is when an otherwise confident person like you allows those self-doubts to dramatically influence your behavior. You can’t help feeling the way you do, but you’re smart enough to realize there’s little to no rational basis for those emotions; therefore, you need to resist the urge to act on them. Instead, come from a more benevolent, confident, and open place—even if you have to fake it a little to get there. You’ll find that in this case, pretending optimistic confidence will work like a charm—and be replaced almost instantly and seamlessly with the real thing. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)You’re normally so open-minded, so it’s weird that you have such a resistance to a new person in your life. Sure, maybe they’re initially annoying or unlikable. But if you just give them a proper chance, they might prove to be wonderful. Some of my favorite people are ones I disliked at first, but once I got past whatever little thing annoyed me, I realized they’re actually pretty great. That could be the case here. Give the new person (or people) a better opportunity than you have so far to show you what they’re really about. Even if you still end up disliking them, there’s at least something cool you could learn here. Go learn it.Aries (March 21-April 19)While there are of course many good cops, there are also those who seem to have pursued that profession just so they could continue the career of bullying they began in grade school, or simply enjoy having power over other people. Many of those who seek power and authority do so for the wrong reasons, and ultimately abuse it. Luckily, there are wonderful rebellious Rams like you to call them out on it. Even though you occasionally pay a price for speaking out, I hope you continue to do so. If you don’t, who will? Sadly, maybe no one.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)When you let someone into your life, you also, to some extent, let in other people they’re close to. Some of those they chose (like their friends), others were just what they got (like their families). Finding the right balance of all these new people is a tricky thing, but it must be done, since the simplest, all-or-nothing solutions are rarely satisfying for anyone concerned. That means trial and error, and probably some uncomfortable missteps along the way—however, this week’s experiments should bring you much closer to a sense of harmonious balance.Gemini (May 21-June 20)Most people would love to be with someone who can make them laugh. Humor is very attractive! However, you’ll find the laughter stops when the usually funny person can’t get serious when they need to. Your charm is infinite, until it’s misapplied. There’s a time to turn it off and just be real. The best jokes won’t save you if you can’t switch gears, as you’ll probably have to this week. Be sensitive to what those around you need, and what they’re ready for. For instance, you may think they need to laugh—but whether they’re ready to is quite another story. Be flexible and wait for your moment. Comedy’s all about timing, remember?Cancer (June 21-July 22)Give yourself permission to be happy. So many Crabs are reluctant to really allow themselves happiness because of their worry that it will soon go away. Yes, you’re probably right that this particular episode of joy will end sooner or later, but that’s all the more reason to enjoy it as fully as possible, not resist it with all sorts of emotional barriers between you and the actual experience. I know you can’t just turn off your anxieties like flipping a switch, but you can make a conscious effort to ignore them in favor of all the joy and fun on your plate right now. At least try.Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)Yes, you’re frequently right. However, isn’t being right enough, by itself? Can’t you just enjoy it in the privacy of your own mind? Must you rub it in others’ faces? Pointing out that you were, after all, spot on, will not endear you to those around you, as surely you know. So, why the difficulty restraining yourself from saying, “I told you so”?  You like it when people like you, right? So bite your tongue and be supportive, instead of telling them how much better off they’d be now, if they’d just listened to you, before.Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)Guilt or a feeling of obligation have forced you into many a situation you’d have been better off (and happier) fleeing. Well, no more! Occasionally, there will be awful circumstances you can’t evade, but this week you should be able to successfully escape your supposed duties and steer clear, as long as you don’t cave to your own self-imposed guilt. Get over yourself and do what you secretly want to do, finally, instead of what you (and only you, really) feel you must. Everyone will be much happier for it—even the people you thought you’d be disappointing.Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)Don’t assume you’re the special exception. If someone you know talks shit about other people as soon as they leave the room, you can safely assume they badmouth you whenever you’re gone, too. If they lie to others, they probably lie to you. Don’t jump into that whole backbiting paradigm. You don’t need to belittle others, so stay positive. You’re wonderful; trying to point out others’ flaws will only make you less so. Give those catty, gossipy bitches in your life a wide berth. If you can’t, don’t play their game. Play yours instead, and at least give them something to talk about.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)You may inwardly groan at some of the adverse reactions you get when some people discover you’re a Scorpio, but realistically you get as much or more good press, despite your sometimes harshly negative reputation. Many people have felt the Scorpio sting, which has made them wary, but even more people have felt the intensity of your affection or sexuality—and those are way more compelling, in the long run. Bank on all your amazingly good assets instead of focusing on the dark side of your Scorpio nature. They’re what’ll get you the things you want right now. Plus, they’re more fun.Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)Telling someone they’re doing something incorrectly is obligatory if you’re responsible for them getting it right, but often unwelcome if you’re just a helpful stranger. However, I admire your desire to aid those who might need your (relative) expertise, so attempt to offer it anyway, in as gentle, polite, and supportive a way as possible. If they react defensively (or offensively), try not to take it personally. Back off and get away. But for every person who gets angry when you butt in, there’s probably one who’ll be grateful (and even some of those who told you to piss off will actually use your advice). For their sake, give it a go.Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)You don’t stick your foot in your mouth as often as those hotheaded Aries or chatterbox Geminis, so you’re not as familiar with the flavor. However, everyone’s entitled to an honest mistake or impetuous verbal misstep now and again. It’s what makes us endearingly human. So don’t beat yourself up too much about it. Ironically, your screw-up will make you seem more charming, approachable, and ultimately lovable, so embrace your gaffe. It’s a blessing in disguise—you may not figure out exactly why or how for a long time (or ever), but trust me on this: Screwing up can be a very good thing. In this case, it’s the thing.