Renner: Also good on voicemail.Yesterday’s Weather Wars–so dubbed on these pages by

Renner: Also good on voicemail.Yesterday’s Weather Wars–so dubbed on these pages by this writer–were, to use a weather analogy, a tempest in a teapot (albeit a fun one). Local weather king Cliff Mass called out KING 5 for sensationalistic weather coverage. Then he appeared on their program himself to talk about the weather, and KING’s news director told SW that Mass is “the bomb.” Today, it all comes to a close, as Mass returns the compliment to KING’s weatherfolk, though he does leave open the idea of an alcohol-lubricated assessment of the local weather personnel. Writes he:Finally, my kidding around with KING-5’s hypesters should not be taken as a lack of respect for their weather personnel, which are really top rate. And lets face it, other stations partake in weather hype as well….although to be fair, none of them have ace Jim Forman, who is in a class by himself. And their segment on the heat wave tonight was quite reasonable. Sometime, perhaps after a few glasses of wine, I might blog about the TV weathercasters of our area, but the bottom line will be fairly unexciting..we have unusually good tv weather people in this market. Sadly, I’ve missed a couple calls from Jeff Renner to get his take on things. Not so sadly, that resulted in voicemails from Jeff Renner, who sounds as Anchorman-smooth and unflappable on voicemail as he does on the air. If you ever have the opportunity to get a voicemail from Jeff Renner, I highly recommend you take advantage of it.