Now that the Mariners are giving up the fight, who will protect

Now that the Mariners are giving up the fight, who will protect us from the ineffable evils of semi-clothed and even un-clothed women dancing in a windowless club where no one can drink? Can’t Tim Burgess create an initiative for this? (Maybe, “To prevent social disorder, the city prohibits any suggestive gyration, or signs indicating that same might be occurring behind windowless walls.” Either way, the M’s legal battle against Roger Forbes’ strip clubs (he runs Deja Vu, FYI) chronicled on these pages here is finally done. “The Foul Pole” can now become a reality, as the M’s have dropped their case in exchange for the club promising not to use barkers or explicit/ostentatious signs, particularly on Occidental, the main pedestrian thoroughfare to Safeco Field. Also prohibited: Adult entertainment on the roof. Seriously, M’s: What gives? Are you worried about the Good Year Blimp guys being corrupted?