King County Executive Ron Sims may have hopped on the bandwagon late–

King County Executive Ron Sims may have hopped on the bandwagon late– staying with Sen. Hillary Clinton until the bitter end– but he’s on with Barack Obama now and moments ago he participated in a conference call with the Obama Campaign to discuss Washington’s newly formed African American Leadership Committee. He spoke primarily about health care:It’s clear that African Americans are disproportionately out of the health care system. … I’m ecstatic that for the first time in the country, rather than talk and talk about the need for health care, we’re going to have a president that will deliver health care for everyone. … His message is resonating deeply across the state in Washington. That’s great news.It’s no secret that Sims was eyeing a potential cabinet post in a Clinton Administration, and that now he might be interested in a cabinet post, period. During the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Gov. Chris Gregoire told Joel Connelly that she’d pitch Sims for Energy Secretary should Obama win. That all sounds nice, but having high-profile cabinet leadership coming from our corner of the country was a long shot anyway– a shot made even longer by Sims’ choice to back the wrong candidate. That said, it’s important for the African American community, and Obama, that Sims is lending a hand– no matter how late it is in coming.