Infallible weatherman Cliff Mass sends us this response to KOMO’s story today

Infallible weatherman Cliff Mass sends us this response to KOMO’s story today about Seattle having a grand total of 78 minutes of summer weather.We have really had very few warm periods this year. But taking a closer look at say the last four weeks [see graphic], it perhaps has not been quite as bad overall as we think. The problem is that last half of July is usually very, very good and instead we have had lots of clouds and some rain. Expectations plus a very cold, wet spring has gotten people cranky.In the KOMO story–written by Scott Sistek–the fact that Seattle has had less than 90 minutes of 80-degree-or-hotter weather is brought out prominently to support the idea that summers here suck balls.On a day like today, that fact seems self-evident.In addition to Mass’ statement above, however, which argues that perhaps an arbitrary temperature measurement isn’t accurate for describing the overall summer weather, he also provides a graphic which shows the temperature of the last few weeks as not changing much. Want more thrilling insight into the need for nuance in predicting/discussing weather? Check out Mass’ awesome takedown of The Seattle Times using a single weather station to try and examine regional climate change.Follow The Daily Weekly on Facebook and Twitter.