If all goes according to plan, Georgetown may soon have one less

If all goes according to plan, Georgetown may soon have one less historic building. Not far from where Rainier Cold Storage building was recently demolished (check out Weekly filmmaker Jason Reid’s haunting video eulogy), the 102-year-old former State House/Cleveland Hotel has been ruled an “unfit premises” by the Department of Planning and Development, the precursor to demolition. You may recognize the building from its array of Pabst Blue Ribbon ads, for which owner Norman R. Olsen, who also owns the building housing Lucky’s Choppers down the street, was issued a citation by the Department of Planning and Development. (The city’s sign ordinance requires that advertised products be made or sold on premises–something difficult to achieve in an abandoned building.) According to Tim Noling, Olsen’s attorney, the signs appeared without notice to the owner. So far, the alleged taggers at Pabst Brewing Company have not responded to a request for comment. The handiwork of those whippersnappers at Pabst BrewingAs for what will replace the old structure, Noling said that Olsen doesn’t have any plans as of yet, but that it “probably won’t be a parking lot.” The hearing on the building’s demolition will be held at the Department of Planning and Development (700 5th Ave.), Room 1974 at 10:00 AM on Monday, June 16th.