Common sense and the experiences of doorbellers hold that if you’re running

Common sense and the experiences of doorbellers hold that if you’re running for office, it’s a good idea to maintain contact with your voters. It seems County Exec candidate Larry Phillips has been minding that maxim. Last fall, when the county was holding public meetings to get input on how to balance its budget, a number of attendees noted that they received hand-signed thank-you letters from Phillips afterward. Is Larry keeping it up now that he has both campaign and council duties to attend to? Enter Seattle Transit Blog commenter Matthew “Renndawg” Renner with the skinny on councilmembers’ response times:I like Phillips personially(He always responds to my e-mails within 2-3 days after I send them. The third fastest of the council that respond. Behind only Kathy Lambert, average less than 12 hours, and Regan Dunn, one day or less. that is better than my own member Julia Patterson who has an avrage of two to therr weeks.) but as a Republican I probially won’t support him. I am waiting to see if any one runs who is open to spliting up King County.