As Republican retreads like Dino Rossi and John Koster wait (and wait,

As Republican retreads like Dino Rossi and John Koster wait (and wait, and wait) to see if they’ve toppled entrenched Democratic incumbents, a fresh face emerged victorious in Southwest Washington’s Third Congressional District. At the age of 31, Jaime Herrera has the looks of a human meteor in a state party with a rickety bench; don’t be surprised if, come this time next year, she’s on the short list of Republicans who might mount a credible challenge to Sen. Maria Cantwell in 2012. And if she decides to roll the dice on such a bid, her choice of election night music reveals that she’ll stop at nothing to get what she wants.Last night, Herrera was the headliner at the Clark County Republicans’ party at the Vancouver (Wash.) Red Lion. As Northwest Cable News’ anchors switched to an on-site correspondent as early returns were flowing in, a band played loudly in the background–so loudly that it was easy to discern what song they were playing: Coldplay’s “Yellow.””Yellow” was Colplay’s first hit, written and recorded long before the band became global superstars and strove for more important themes in their songwriting. Locally, it’s best known as the song that got some guy’s ass jumped by an off-kilter female patron during karaoke night at Changes, a gay bar in Wallingford. In spite of such rage-inducing properties, the song seemingly begins harmlessly: “Look at the stars/Look how they shine for you/And everything you do/Yeah they were all yellow/I came along/I wrote a song for you/And all the things you do/And it was called yellow.”But then: “So then I took my turn/Oh all the things I’ve done/And it was all yellow.”Aha! Herrera takes her turn–the run against Cantwell–and everything she does is yellow. We’re not talking about the bright color, occasionally evoked when describing urine, either; we’re talking about yellow as used to describe sensationalistic, often underhanded tactics. The “all yellow” lyrics repeat twice more before violent imagery enters the song: “Do you know for you I bleed myself dry/For you I bleed myself dry.”If politics is bloodsport, it looks like the Grand Old Party might have quite the warrior in its corner.