The Booby Traps, Sonic Youth, and the Notorious BIG. By canine commentator

The Booby Traps, Sonic Youth, and the Notorious BIG.

By canine commentator Charlie Watts LaVassar

Greetings Homosaipens!It’s cool, After all, I owe my female human one. Not only did she rescued me from a shelter in Waco, Fucking Texas, she had the good sense to change my name from what very well could have been the most awful moniker ever assigned a pet of my refined and regal nature, Silly Willy. most brilliantly understated drummers in rock history I’m told for the following four reasons; 1) I’m completely unflappable. Even when the tiny smelly human sits on me, pulls on my tail, and sticks his grubby little finger in my eye, I never loose my groove. 2) Apparently even as a mere pup of two, I look both, umm, shall we say, seasoned and of course, perpetually high. 3) I’m not much of a talker, preferring to go through life quietly addressing the world with a demented, slightly drooly grin. 4) I respect the fact I take a backseat to the other more visible members of my band family. As long as Mick and Keith or emmm’ I mean my humans keep me fed, warm and occasionally pat me on the head, I’ll go along with whatever they fancy. In addition, I liken myself to Mr. Watts as I am proud neuter and the Wembley Wammer has been proudly married to the same lady since 1964, which has got to be close to the same thing.As I was born without the evolutionary benefit of opposeble thumbs,(you may be asking yourself how I’m even typing this? One snout stroke at a time baby, one snout stroke at a time.) I don’t have much control over the music that streams through the LaVassar home. Frankly, neither does any other male in this household. I’ve heard it once andI’m sure I’ll hear it again, apparently you should ” Never, ever, touch a rock bitch’s stereo!” With that piece of valuable info in mind, let’s get down to it shall we……..The Booby Traps, a perfectly named, female fronted Garage-Mod outfit come from a land down under where women glow and men plunder. We heard them on Little Steven’s Underground Garage, which my female human insists is “the best syndicated radio show around”.

The Booby Traps, a perfectly named, female fronted Garage-Mod outfit come from a land down under where women glow and men plunder. We heard them on Little Steven’s Underground Garage, which my female human insists is “the best syndicated radio show around”.