Sound Bite

Band of Horses' bassist Rob Hampton gives us a taste of the road.

While on their fall U.S. tour, the second this year in support of Everything All the Time, Band of Horses bassist Rob Hampton called home to give us a stimulating sensory report of life on the road.

TASTE: Dinner tonight was . . . 

R.H.: Some kind of fish with salad and beans and broccoli—[San Francisco’s] the Fillmore hooked it up!

SOUND: Heavy rotation in the van . . . 

R.H.: Tinariwen—this band from the South Sahara—my friend Trevor told me about them. They are bad ass. From what I’ve heard, they formed in rebel camps during an insurgency against the Malian government. They use electric guitars with traditional music—it’s damn good.

SMELL: Last laundry stop . . . 

R.H.: Four days ago in Mesquite, Nev. It was in a laundry mat next to a casino resort where I won $300 playing Texas Hold ‘Em against the dealer. The stop before that, though, was in Oxford Miss.—two weeks ago. We were some stinky ass dudes!

SIGHT: Catch a glimpse of the boys next week at the Showbox during a two-night stand: Saturday, Nov. 4 (8 p.m. with Chad Vangaalen, Bill Patton, and Simon Dawes; $15) and Sunday, Nov. 5 (8 p.m. with Chad Vangaalen, Juanita Family, and Simon Dawes; $15; all ages).