Saturday’s REVERBfest was so worthy of superlatives, I’m almost at a loss

Saturday’s REVERBfest was so worthy of superlatives, I’m almost at a loss for words. I wouldn’t be lying if I said I heard a couple folks on more than one occasion say that yesterday’s local music showcase was better even than a few other festivals that shall not be named this town offers up. The venues were filled to capacity, the bands were in top form and between the fans and the bands, it all boiled down to one big local lovefest (and a huge display of talent). Here’s a few thousand word recap on REVERB . . .

Cupcake Royale was kind enough to offer provisions to REVERBfest goers: one free baby cake with wristband. Apple with caramel frosting and pumpkin spice.

Just warming up.

Andrea Zolo gets behind the kit for Triumph of Lethargy Skinned Alive to Death.

SW gets behind TOLSATD.

Das Llamas look on.

A fan.

A quite dapper looking Roadie Gabe, fresh off the White Stripes tour.

Throw Me the Statue take Bop Street.

Fleet Foxes filled the Sunset. Colin Wolberg did double duty with Siberian and J. Tillman.

Macklemore kicks off the hip-hop sets at the Sunset.

D. Black keeps it going. . .

Grynch closes it down.