In case you haven’t heard the news already, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

In case you haven’t heard the news already, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi killed House Resolution 600 aka the “Michael Jackson Bill” late last week stating emphatically that she didn’t think it was necessary. That’s a controversial decision that is already causing contradictory views on the web, and one that almost seems to have as much to do with Jackson, as it does with Democratic Representative Sheila Jackson-Lee who hurriedly introduced the Bill during MJ’s memorial service last week.I personally think Jackson-Lee was grandstanding to a large extent by trying to introduce a piece of legislature at a funeral — especially one that was being internationally televised — but that’s politics. So I’m not totally surprised that it was shot down by Pelosi, but her decision is undoubtedly tied to lingering allegations of Jackson’s child molestation history. And the issue isn’t going away. Over the next months, there will most likely be a push for official commemorative monuments, honors and a national stamp for Jackson. This is defeat number one, but hopefully a more organized effort comes along to properly honor the world’s greatest international pop star.