Here’s a DJ extravaganza that shouldn’t be missed if you’re a fan

Here’s a DJ extravaganza that shouldn’t be missed if you’re a fan of rare breaks, good hip-hop, club mash-ups, and true turntablism. DJ Spinna and Rich Medina have been two of my favorite DJs for years, and having seen Philadelphia’s Cosmo Baker spin with his DJ collective, The Rub, several times, I can attest that the dude is a mash-up king! Folks here in Seattle are already hip to the crate-digging excellence DJ Supreme brings to the table so it should make for a good night of music no matter what. An earthquake, hurricane, and typhoon could blow through Chapel tonight where the gig is being held, and that still couldn’t stop this from being a serious DJ display. The best thing about it all is that the party is free. The good folks at Scion (who sure know how to market the hell out of a car) are sponsoring it all, and if you head to this site, you can RSVP for free in less than 20 seconds. Chances are, if you show up to the party tonight, you’ll be glad you did.