The front room of Jones Soda looks like a spin class right

The front room of Jones Soda looks like a spin class right now, with cans and bottles of soda everywhere, and happy bikers galore. Everyone pedaling is hooked to a tiny converter that’s helping offset Jones’ power usage for the day. HR Manager Susan Rozewski said, “We’ve been gung ho since six o’clock this morning. Then eight came around, and nine and ten, then we started having people really show up.” With the help of the Seahawk mascot, uh… Birdie? (added: Blitz, right.), Seahawks players and members of the dance team, over fifty people were coaxed into riding to nowhere for Earth Day.Former Sonic and current mayoral candidate, James Donaldson even took his turn on one of the bikes, though I don’t see how. “He’s awesome, and we put the seat up as high as we could for him!” said Rozewski. Participants got all the Jones they could drink and some swag. Jones is like that fraternity you used to walk by in college. You didn’t really consider yourself a joiner, but they always looked like they were having so much fun…