Good news for all you Throw Me The Statue fans: our local

Good news for all you Throw Me The Statue fans: our local pop heroes will be releasing their second full-length album, Creaturesque, on August 4 of this year. And you can listen to a catchy new song from that album, “Ancestors,” right now. If you want to hear more, I imagine the band will be debuting new material at their Noise for the Needy set June 11 at the Tractor Tavern. They’ll be playing the show with Awesome and Velella Velella for $10. Complete Creaturesque song list after the jump.Track list:Waving At The ShorePistolsTagAncestorsNoisesSnowshoesDizzy From The FallCannibal RaysHi-Fi GoonBaby, You’re BoredShade For A ShadowThe Outer Folds