Because you were at one of the other awesome shows that was

Because you were at one of the other awesome shows that was happening that night (also, it sold out very fast), don’t despair: the Canadian synth-pop band is now performing at this year’s Bumbershoot! Hurray! Not only that, but a whole bunch of other artists have just been added as well, including the Soulsavers (which includes Mark Lanegan!), Black Eyed Peas (but um, who cares), Akron/Family, Vivian Girls and a whole bunch of others. You can check out Bumbershoot’s blog for the latest.Anyway, with all these additions, I’m feeling better and better about the Bumbershoot line-up, even though the mainstage acts pretty much blow chunks. On the other hand– and as I’ve stated earlier– not having to deal with the mainstage cattle chute isn’t such a bad thing.