Your Daily Dose of Food News, Events and Must-Read Miscellany 1. Theo

Your Daily Dose of Food News, Events and Must-Read Miscellany

1. Theo Chocolate is giving away a year’s supply of chocolate to celebrate Earth Day tomorrow. You’ve got until the end of the day tomorrow to enter.

2. Corretto launched a daytime coffee program, starting today. Coffee from Slate is available at the Capitol Hill bar and Italian restaurant from 7 AM to bar closing. Corretto is promising “classic and imaginative daytime beverages for your drinking pleasure” – whether that includes booze is up to you.

3. Barrio has announced its plans for Cinco de Mayo, which it plans to celebrate on Sunday, May 4 and Monday, May 5. On both days, a special food and drink menu will be available from 2 PM to close, in addition to numerous booze specials. On Monday, Barrio is opening its patio for margaritas, draft beer, and Paloma specials.

4. Former Microsoft vice president Bill Mitchell has come up with a truly incredible invention: “The first fully automatic, all-grain tabletop brewing machine—one that can make beer to specifications, relatively quickly and with minimal effort,” says Business Week. The invention is called PicoBrew, and it will set you back $1,700 – but a five-gallon batch of beer will cost you only $3.