Your Daily Dose of Food News, Events and Must-Read Miscellany 1.

Your Daily Dose of Food News, Events and Must-Read Miscellany

1. The gut-busting Bite of Seattle is back this weekend, with more than 30 restaurants and food trucks and loads of craft beer and wine on hand at the Seattle Center. For more information, visit the event website.

2. St. Clouds has announced they will be closed for brunch this weekend. Their brunch chef, Vicki, has “suffered a personal tragedy and is no longer able to work at St. Clouds.” The staff is hoping to be up and running with brunch next weekend; Vicki has been at the restaurant for nine years.

3. Aragona’s decor has made it a finalist in the International Restaurant and Bar Design Awards. The winners will be announced September 25.

4. A new study has found that if food used to fatten cows, chickens, and pigs were redirected to human consumption, it could feed an astounding three billion people. Doing so would also lessen the environmental impacts of meat consumption; vegetarianism for the win?