This is my morning’s ration of cherries. It will take me approximately

This is my morning’s ration of cherries. It will take me approximately 78.6 seconds to eat them all.I downed a pound of index cherries from Tonnemaker Family Orchard’s stand at the Columbia City Market last week so quickly that when I saw the Tonnemaker booth at the West Seattle Farmers Market yesterday I bought two pounds, even though they were chelans (or chinooks? Now I can’t remember). This batch is not quite as spectacular as the indexes, but they’re sweet and firm, with a slight cinnamon cast to their flavor. In fact, in the time it took me to type the last paragraph, half of them have disappeared.So, I’m still a little new to the Northwest, and I need to know from long-timers . . . how many cherries can I eat in one sitting without setting off, um, gastric problems? Because I’m so relieved that the season has finally arrived that I feel a major food obsession taking hold.