If you’ve been meaning to vote in this year’s Best of Seattle

If you’ve been meaning to vote in this year’s Best of Seattle Reader Poll but can’t bring yourself to fill out the ballot, the Weekly’s events staff is throwing a voting party this Thursday night from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Showbox’s Green Room.Drink specials have been promised. A few of the staff-created cocktails that we’re petitioning the Green Room to put on the menu:The Cindy McCain Tecate beer mixed with tequila, lemonade, and Percocet

The O-bama Slammer Rebel Yell, gin, Jager, and lemonade mixed with Old Style beer. (You may not think you can drink it — but yes, you can.)

The Clinton ImpeachmintPeach schnapps, vodka, and a sprig of mint served with a cigar

The Eliot Spritzer Champagne and vodka. Garnish with antibiotics. Charge $10,000 per glass.

The McCain Mindfuck Saigon Export beer, served warm to a blindfolded customer who’s locked in a bathroom stall with the lights off and an M-80 with a lit fuse dropped in the commode

The Michelle Obama SmearA Bahama Mama topped with BabychamThe McCain QuipA shot of liquor — you never know what you’re going to get — served flaming The Nader RunA pousse-cafe layering (from top to bottom) Clear Creek Pear Brandy, Midori, and Fernet Branca. The first shot smells enticing, the second shot looks Green, and the third shot is very, very bitter. And last but not least, submitted by two separate staff members locked in mindmeld:The Hillary AppealA mug of Schlitz and a shot of Jim Beam, which you have to down while someone’s taking a picture of you.