A wee portion of pot roast, a big session of sex ed.While

A wee portion of pot roast, a big session of sex ed.While the previous Sexy Feast (in which I, somewhat prophetically, talked about covering up the weiner) celebrated the boom of food carts and trucks in Seattle, sometimes you just want to eat that food in a chair at a table.That’s now possible with the opening of Skillet Street Food’s stationary restaurant in Capitol Hill, Skillet Diner. Even better than a table, you’ll want a seat at the counter in front of Skillet’s huge, open kitchen. Here you can banter with the cooks, watching while they prepare waffles and pork belly and cheesecake in a jar.If it’s Wednesday night, they’ll likely recommend the pot roast special. This version is one of the best I’ve had, braised in beer and wine, and served with potatoes, celery, and carrots. It’s comfort food raised to the next level.So what does Skillet Diner’s pot roast teach us about sex?It’s all about redefining the meat and potatoes.Check the first few pages of an Internet search of “the meat and potatoes of sex,” and aside from one person who says it’s the emotional connection (as compared to penis size, which she describes as “the cilantro thrown on the side”), the rest of the relevant hits refer to intercourse.From a heterosexual perspective, that tends to be penile-vaginal intercourse, which I like to shorten to PVI. As a sex educator, I’m always trying to get people away from a PVI perspective, and more generally, away from an exclusively genital focus to sex. It’s easy to be goal-oriented, with socialization (men’s, in particular) that PVI is the best or only type of sex. Good as it can be, PVI can carry more consequences (pregnancy), is generally less pleasurable (for women, and even men–who often report preferring oral or manual stimulation), and, frankly, can be a bit boring as a routine.So let’s draw inspiration by returning back to Skillet’s menu and looking to diversify our meat and potatoes. Wednesday may be pot roast night, but Friday is for steak frites. Or maybe you want Salisbury steak with mashed potatoes? And why limit yourself to evenings? Some people seek pleasure in the morning; at Skillet, that can be corned beef hash. You can even ask for a hamburger with fries (or upcharge to perfectly decadent poutine) anytime.See? The variations are seemingly endless. It’s all a matter of how you define your meat and potatoes. The same is true for your sex life. Try mixing it up.Some days you just might want to toss aside the meat and potatoes to experiment with salad. Trust me: Skillet’s kale Caesar salad will stimulate your mind, opening it to all kinds of new possibilities . . .Follow Voracious on Facebook and Twitter. Follow me on Twitter.