The frigid, dark abyss of their homeland, Sweden, cant keep the folk-pop trio Peter Bjorn & John from producing happy-go-lucky songs that merely allude to their special, Nordic bleakness. Even when ol Petes (thats Peter Moren to you) real low in the snow, moaning about endings in Lets Call it Off (from06s Writers Block), his pals prop him up with some hand-claps and fun-strumming. Its so sweet I get goose bumpsand it aint the subzero temps! But I digress. Lead singer Pete (well, I feel like I know him) has dropped a solo album, The Last Tycoon, the title of which is taken from a novel by an equally depressed scribbler, F. Scott Fitzgerald. Listen: Petes gonna bring his Dylanhead, you bring the coats and tissues. Triple Door, 216 Union St., 838-4333. 8 p.m. $15. KEVIN CAPP
Tue., April 29, 8 p.m., 2008