Mad About the Boa

Your one-stop shop for exotic pets

‘Tis the season for slithering snakes, creepy arachnids, and slimy amphibians! But these poor creatures get a bad rap from horror films. It’s not all Snakes on a Plane and Arachnophobia, after all. They also…make great pets? That’s what this weekend’s Northwest Captive Breeders Expo aims to prove, by educating the public and showcasing local reptile, amphibian, and exotic animal breeders. Reptile Societies will have information booths with free care sheets, and breeders from as far as California will come to vend to willing enthusiasts. Intrigued by a wider range of unusual flora and fauna? Organizer Giovanni Fagioli promises “booths with carnivorous plants, terrarium plants, and complete vivarium set-ups… feeder insects and rodents” as well as reptile-care supplies from cages to how-to books. He reminds attendees that this is not a forum for which to sell wild animals that have been caught, so you can forget about that raccoon which keeps knocking over your trashcans.

Sat., Oct. 20, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun., Oct. 21, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., 2007