Arts Populi

Hoity-toity out; down and dirty in. Roll up your sleeves for Seattle Weekly's 2006 Fall Arts Guide.

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In 2003, McCaw Hall opened with a gala the likes of which Seattle seldom sees: men in freshly brushed tuxedos; women teetering about in shape-hugging formals and skinny high heels; champagne and flash bulbs; and ticket prices orbiting around $500.

Contrast that with the imminent opening of the Olympic Sculpture Park (exact date TBA due to the recent concrete workers’ strike): The Seattle Art Museum is planning to herald its debut with a big to-do, free and open to the unwashed public. No tickets or fancy dress required—except maybe your favorite pair of high-tech hiking boots.

Yes, 2006 is the year of art for the people, and we’re not just talking about the sculpture park. Chamber music in cafes (p. 27); a grassroots electronic music festival (p. 20); theater by everyone, everywhere (p. 24). Hoity-toity is suddenly out. Down and dirty—sometimes literally—is so very in.

So pull on those work boots and leaf through our compilation of the best the fall arts scene has to offer. Then get out there and rub elbows with the masses. This year, it’s all about you—and them.

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