Josh Kerns and I will be assuming our normal posts on Seattle

Josh Kerns and I will be assuming our normal posts on Seattle Sounds, our weekly show on 97.3 KIRO FM, but this week, we’ll be coming at you at 2 p.m. Saturday and 5 p.m. Sunday. For guests, we’ve got:– Kimbra! She got on the phone with Josh earlier this week to talk about making that one massive hit with Gotye, among other things.– Andrew Gospe! The little punk who writes for this blog come on to talk about kid things, and why kids steal music.– Erin Thompson! The Nice Hits! columnist and SW clubs editor came on to talk about Foster The People, “Call Me Maybe,” the anatomy of a hit, and why she makes fun of my Kings of Leon habit.If you can’t get to your radio at 2 p.m Saturday or 4 p.m. Sunday, the show will be saved for eternity at a good weekend, y’all.