Obadiah Parker

Matt Weddle owes his breakout success as a one-time hip-hop cover artist to an accident. The Arizona native was performing at an open mic night in Tempe, Ariz. when a friend uploaded his performance of Outkast’s “Hey Ya” to YouTube. The video has now been viewed more than 7.6 million times. Weddle hopes to make a name for himself as a legitimate musician, however, and this April his band, Obadiah Parker, released The Siren and the Saint. The 12-song album features the same warm, whisper-like voice that made his version of “Hey Ya” so memorable, plus a soulful, funky, acoustic set-up akin to Jack Johnson or John Mayer. Each song is sincere and passionate and revolves around the addiction and turmoil of his relationships with two women. With Lights From Space, Blvd Park. JOE WILLIAMS

Sat., July 9, 9 p.m., 2011