Page One: Inside The New York Times

In rooms decorated with Pulitzers of the past and a giant poster of Orson Welles as Citizen Kane, harassed and anxious reporters struggle to get a handle on a rapidly changing media ecology in the documentary Page One: Inside The New York Times. Filmmaker Andrew Rossi uses his all-access pass not to probe the Times’ agenda-setting handling of key issues, but rather pursue the story-about-the-story of the paper’s future. That material will date, but scenes of an embattled elite suddenly insecure about their future will always have relevance. A sarcastic stringbean, media reporter David Carr emerges as the film’s star as he defends his paper’s right to exist against a series of new media presences who, one after the other, he verbally defenestrates. His fellow NYT reporter Brian Stelter will appear at SIFF. (Repeats 11 a.m. Friday at Egyptian; and 3:30 p.m. Monday in Everett.) GREGG RICKMAN

Wed., May 25, 7 p.m., 2011