
We live in a time of grand excesses, where auto-tune and terrible studio tricks that were once reserved for pre-fab pop stars are now making their way into punk rock records. In times like these, bands like Coliseum truly shine. The Kentucky-based trio are masters of that special strain of rock-and-roll that comes from a dimed out amp, careening wholeheartedly into that heads-down, no bullshit territory you just can’t fake. Coliseum borrow heavily from a nice swath of influences; combining the hazy, fuzzed-out riffage of Southern-fried stoner rock, the vicious pounding pulse of early 80’s punk, and the melodic yet hoarse-throated screaming of 90’s hardcore, the band creates a brutal bouillabaisse of their very own. Managing to be gigantic, dangerous, and yet somehow anthemic enough to scream along to, Coliseum are every bit as grand and massive as their name suggests. With Burning Love, Heiress. GREGORY FRANKLIN

Mon., Sept. 6, 9:30 p.m., 2010