Jeremy Burk

Jeremy Burk’s debut album, I Hope You Find What You’re Looking For, is the offering of a man who seems like he’s searching for something himself. Burk’s voice is distinct in its imperfections — it cracks and breaks the way an old dusty record pops and hisses on the turntable, and when he reaches for notes Burk sounds either hoarse or like a parrot of Conor Oberst’s distinctive whine. Burk sounds best when he’s not trying so hard. The songs are solid, but it’s obvious that Burk, a competent, talented songwriter, is still in the throes of creating his own unique sound. Since What You’re Looking For is Burk’s first album, it stands to reason that any future offerings will improve on what is already a pretty good thing. With Levi Fuller, Robert Deeble. SARA BRICKNER

Wed., July 28, 9 p.m., 2010