
You care about fonts. Poor signage annoys you. A bad map is enough to ruin your entire day. That’s why you’re the intended audience for the screenings, panels, and presentations of ByDesign, which celebrates names like Saul Bass (designer of the Vertigo credits) and Pablo Ferro (the Dr. Strangelove lettering). You already know who they are, of course, but have you heard of Danny Yount? A former Seattle resident, he did the cool credit sequences that begin Iron Man and Sherlock Holmes. Tonight he’ll appear to demonstrate and discuss his work, featured in too many other TV shows and movies to list, followed by an opening-night party. Among other highlights of the fest, a program featuring Charles and Ray Eames will include House of Science, an educational six-panel projector work commissioned for our own 1962 World’s Fair (Sun. and Tues.). And you can also lust after their famous furniture, showcased in short films, even if you can’t afford it. (NR) BRIAN MILLER

Fri., March 5, 7 p.m.; March 6-11, 2010