Alela Diane

lived in, with a catch in her throat on the high notes. At first blush, I took her for any number of women out there armed with acoustic guitars and “quirky” voices. But then I saw her live and realized she wasn’t pretending to be anything other than what she was—a West Coast girl from a hippie town encouraged to play music by her hippie parents. As a result, what she brings to the table is somewhat akin to the Grateful Dead—a languid blend of old American music that is equal parts parlor, campfire, coffeehouse, and indie rock club. Her latest release, a split 10” with Alina Hardin, features a cover of Townes Van Zandt’s “Rake” that chills to the bone. With Marissa Nadler, Barton Carroll. BRIAN J. BARR

Sat., Oct. 24, 9:30 p.m., 2009