Terminal 107 Park

The air is good, the view is better, and this out-of-the-way West Seattle park will more than meet your need for romantic seclusion. Pack a picnic of finger foods and a nice bottle of wine and then head west on South Spokane Street (under the West Seattle Bridge), then south on West Marginal Way. (That’s right: west on South, then south on West.) Once you’ve pedaled past some gigantic, pressed metal cubes, veer left at the sign for the Port of Seattle Terminal 107 Park, and wend your way along the paved park trail. Spill your bikes, and lie back in the grass. There are more than a few picnic tables to choose from, but you want the idyllic one shrouded in shrubbery, with a peekaboo view of the Duwamish. It’s a perfect spot to unwrap the goods in your panniers, and while away some time in the near urban outdoors. ADRIANA GRANT

Starts: Sept. 16. Daily, 6 a.m.-11:59 p.m., 2009