Please Stand By; Stand By Me

Art students Sol Hashemi and Jason Hirata met their freshman year at the U-Dub and instantly became best friends. Their quirky collaborative show, “Please Stand By; Stand By Me,” breaks their friendship into two parts with different viewing hours. Daytime visitors can see photographs and video installations documenting them in mundane activities like eating dinner by headlamp. At night, you can watch from the sidewalk as Hashemi and Hirata take residency within—performing, making new art with a fog machine, and sleeping. Viewed through the large glass windows, the scene resembles an avant-garde frat house, with the boys’ dirty socks, food remnants, and even an empty fifth of Crown Royale strewn across the floor. When Hirata noticed my eyeing the empty liquor bottle, he quickly noted, “Um, Sol drank that.” After all, a good friend gives credit (and blame) where it’s deserved. ERIKA HOBART

Thursdays-Saturdays. Starts: March 5. Continues through March 28, 2009