Yuriko Miyamoto: Crossing Boundaries

Japanese artist Yuriko Miyamoto (now based in Seattle) grew up accosted by images of Hello Kitty and Godzilla, so it’s no surprise her acrylic paintings convey that kawaii aesthetic so prevalent in J-pop culture. Miyamoto’s newest series, “Crossing Boundaries” (through November 9), features sassy cats riding in UFOs and friendly fish viewing sunsets. (How they manage to survive out of water is beyond me.) The artist employs simple geometric shapes to impart a playful, childlike innocence to her paintings. Her nonsensically cute scenarios—“Catworm”?—will sometimes have you scratching your head. But consider Miyamoto’s inspirations: Hello Kitty doesn’t even have a mouth. Form/Space Atelier, 2407 First Ave., 349-2509, www.formspaceatelier.com. Free. Noon–4 p.m. ERIKA HOBART

Wednesdays-Sundays. Starts: Oct. 23. Continues through Nov. 9, 2008