The Shaky Hands + Arthur & Yu

Saturday, May 3

The Shaky Hands

The Shaky Hands are such a Portland band—an assertion I’m sure the

band would counter with “Whatever that means.” But when I listen to

them, I can’t help but think of all those things I’ve come to love

about that place. They are an indie-rock band, informed by ’60s folk,

jangle-pop, a DIY ethos, thrift-store culture, bicycles, used

bookstores, and PBR. There is a looseness to what they do, heard most

in the limp-wristed guitar strums of Nick Delffs and the drumming of

Colin Anderson—the latter sounding like nothing more than two

rolled-up newspapers slapped against a Formica table. Given the Shaky

Hands’ chosen city, Shins comparisons abound. But they’re hardly apt:

Whereas the Shins’ music reflects an interest in commercial viability,

the Shaky Hands seem content just to hang out on their front porch,

drinking canned beer and listening to Otis Redding. With Arthur & Yu

and Tu Fawning. The Vera Project, Seattle Center, Warren Avenue North

and Republican Street. 7:30 p.m. $9/$8 with club card. All ages. BRIAN


Arthur & Yu

Saturday, May 3

Before age 15 I listened to some seriously awful music. We’re talkin’

Poison and Mötley Crüe awful. (Please spare me the “Mötley Crüe are

‘classic’ and ‘legends'” crap! The only way those jackasses could even

be considered legendarily classic is if they had all spontaneously

combusted when Too Fast for Love came out.) The music you listen to as

a kid doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll have bad taste later, as long as

it serves as “starter music.” Example: Kid listens to Jet because

they’re on the radio and discovers Iggy Pop because of it. The key is

dumping the dumbed-down version. My semi-embarrassing background makes

me extremely jealous of the little fuckers who will be at Vera

tonight. Already into bands like Arthur & Yu (and probably the

Velvet), they’ll never have to put the likes of Fall Out Boy on their

sucktastic listening resume. With the Shaky Hands and Tu Fawning. The

Vera Project, Seattle Center, Warren Avenue North and Republican

Street. 7:30 p.m. $9/$8 with club card. All ages. MA’CHELL DUMA


Sat., May 3, 7:30 p.m., 2008