Good Bye To All That

Eminent Northwest poet David Wagoner will join fellow writers Todd Faulkner and Cody Walker for their last readings as Hugo House’s writers-in-residence in an evening called “Good-Bye to All That.” Since Oprah read Wagoner’s poem “Lost” on the air and endorsed it, surely his new collection A Map of the Night (Illinois, $55) will see a bump in sales. (Or should, since he’s a fantastic wordsmith.) The event is also a chance to hear from two up-and-coming poets, soon to have their first books in print. Faulkner, also a comic, has a humorous memoir in the works; Walker is also a proud member of the UW English department. Richard Hugo House, 1634 11th Ave., 322-7030, Free. 7 p.m. EMMA BREYSSE

Fri., July 11, 7 p.m., 2008