SW Needs a New Arena

"...[T]his state is run by money-hungry, big-government liberals that Seattle Weekly promotes and advocates."

Courage and Compassion

When I read the article about Fran Ferder and John Heagle [“Breach of Faith,” Feb. 15], my heart ached for them and for the numerous people they have accompanied through their vocations as therapists, teachers, and pastoral ministers. Ferder and Heagle have offered a much-needed prophetic voice in the Catholic Church, speaking and writing with courage about the abuses of power in the institution and hierarchy of the Catholic Church. I honor Ferder and Heagle for their compassion, faithfulness, and competence in their healing work with deeply wounded people and a deeply wounded structure. As we seek accountability for the horrific sexual abuses committed, let us look to the source of the wounds and not to the people who are treating the wounds with such care.

Katie Pinard


Don’t Rush to Judgment

In the style of these devious times, Nina Shapiro’s article, “Breach of Faith” [Feb. 15], on the Archdiocese of Seattle’s handling of pedophilia cases seems to damn by association. Archbishop Raymond Hunthausen could not possibly have been aware of everything that happened during his watch and would most certainly not have condoned immoral behavior. He was a gentle, spiritual man who was liberal because his times were liberal. He was deeply hurt, in many ways, by those who assumed the godlike stance of judging him.

Jessie Dye functioned as an ombudsman at the Archdiocese of Seattle. Over many years, in many cases, including my own, she facilitated justice. She was later assigned the responsibility of investigating the pedophilia cases, probably because she was a lawyer. She did the best she could in extremely difficult circumstances and does not deserve to be tarnished by association.

I wonder what motivates such articles? What good is expected to result?

Anne R. FitzGerald


Where’s My Windfall?

First I must applaud Knute Berger on his poignant article about the excessive “gifts” the state grants these multibillionaire individuals and companies for their hobbies, oh yeah, teams [Mossback, “SW Needs a New Arena,” Feb. 15]. I own a small business that could use a larger office and some new equipment so we can expand. Where is my windfall? My needs would use far less money from the “general fund” than any of these sports teams and not steal money from my child’s school operating budget. Do you know they actually ask parents to donate supplies because they claim there is no budget for them! This state is out of control in its spending!

Second, I must remind Berger that this state is run by money-hungry, big-government liberals that Seattle Weekly promotes and advocates. This is the party that grants these gifts by taking away from real social and educational programs that truly need the money. My child is a special-needs child whose therapy programs got canceled because the state can’t afford them!

Why doesn’t the Weekly try promoting the center and not the left? Independent of mind, conservative in spending. Gee, just as you would run your own home finances. What a novel idea.

T. Goedde


Money Better Spent

If the city and state are going to give the Sonics $400 million for a new arena [Mossback, “SW Needs a New Arena,” Feb. 15], I’d like to ask for $100 million to buy ponies for every 6-year-old girl in Washington state. Because every 6-year-old deserves to have the state fulfill all her fantasies, not just the billionaires with the fantasies of 6-year-olds.

In all seriousness, please stop these ridiculous giveaways to line the pockets of billionaires. We’ve had enough. We can’t afford it anymore.

Jon Stahl


A little Too Late

Yes, I am afraid we have hit rock bottom in our addiction. Progressives do need to swear off voting Democratic, as Geov Parrish outlined in his column [“Solving a Problem Like Maria,” Feb. 15]. No more campaigning or money until these candidates start representing us on our issues.

However, he is a bit late. The Nader/Camejo presidential campaign had everything a progressive could want, but Parrish and other pundits were recommending the lesser evilism of a John Kerry vote. A portion of his column advocating Kerry [“A Naderite for Kerry,” Oct. 27, 2004] shows how bankrupt lesser evilism really is: “John Kerry deserves my vote because he can do something that . . . no other candidate can do: He can defeat Bush.”

Kerry did not beat Bush because he did not represent us. He was not against the invasion of Iraq. Even when the Democrats were spending thousands (millions?) trying to keep Ralph Nader off the ballot, progressives bought Kerry/Edwards bumper stickers and swelled their campaign coffers, though they were clearly Republican-lite. Nader was high-profile and could have paved the way for people like Aaron Dixon, but progressives turned their back on their best interests and backed the Democratic warmongers.

Parrish is a day late and a dollar short, but he is correct. If progressives had built the Nader/Camejo campaign, we might have somewhere else to go right about now.

Linda Jansen


Is Geov Jaded?

Geez Geov, thanks for “weighing in” [“Solving a Problem Like Maria,” Feb. 15]. Parrish is about as bleak as the rest of them. How about doing a serious piece on Mark Wilson before urinating all over him? Parrish is bemoaning the usual lack of attention to these contests when it really matters, but come on. Writing it off eight months before the election? If there still was time, he’d be highlighting the differences between the candidates—not writing them off as “quixotic.”

Parrish is just as jaded as the rest of us. We don’t need to be “spanked”; we need people who can take a stand on who the better candidate might be—someone like, say, Parrish.

Michael Barton


Don’t Dump Friday!

I am very disappointed in three days of Bumbershoot instead of four (a 25 percent reduction) [“Bumberbummer,” Feb. 15]. Our varying group of up to eight people travels from California for it every year. Other than write to One Reel, is there anything else we can do to get them to change their minds? Maybe Friday could be mostly regional and second-tier acts with no major headliner? Please? It would still be awesome.

Steven Reule

Sacramento, CA

Sickened in Seattle

Neal Schindler’s review of Moxie reminds me why I hate eating out in Seattle [“All Dressed Up,” Feb. 15]. After reading his spin on their “gussied-up comfort food,” I feel exhausted and sick to my stomach. At least I didn’t have to pay $20 for a plate of scallops to feel this way.

I don’t care about the owners’ résumés. This isn’t a job interview, it’s dinner. Seventeen dollars buys 2 pounds of succulent pork tenderloin at Metropolitan Market, and the deli servers don’t wig out on me. Limp bok choy? Only white people ate there, right? Thanks for the warning. Now please go review some decent restaurants that aren’t in Seattle.

Wendy Gallacci


Got a gripe? Write to Seattle Weekly, 1008 Western Ave., Ste. 300, Seattle, WA 98104; fax to 206-467-4377; or e-mail to letters@seattleweekly.com. Letters should be less than 250 words. By submission of a letter, you agree that we may edit the letter and publish and/or license the publication of it in print, electronically, and for archival purposes. Please include name, location, and phone number.