Justices: Presidential electors, including Everett man, must keep pledge to back popular vote winner
Gov. Jay Inslee has revised rules to allow self-serve food areas in Phase 2 of the state’s reopening.
Rate adjustments ease economic impact during COVID-19 pandemic
“Just do not ring up the sale,” Gov. Jay Inslee said about customers who do not don the proper masks.
One night a year, volunteers spread out across Seattle and King County to count the homeless.
Inslee: Starting July 7, businesses do not serve those who do not wear a mask
Traffic this summer will likely be lighter across Washington state than previous years.
A citizens panel approved the hikes in 2019. Unable to rescind them, lawmakers look to donate their extra earnings.
Report to Legislature recommends centralized, easily accessible statewide website on incidents
Officials want people to limit cross-state travel to help slow spread of COVID-19
His order requires masks and physical distancing, among other measures, to help prevent infections.
Hiring practices, commitment to diversity, use of force
Jay Inslee says that until there is a vaccine, it’s the best weapon to stop the spread of COVID-19.
Inslee names civil rights activists, pastors, and cops to panel that may forge ideas for new laws
The delivery driver was still working under his own name while receiving L&I pension, and owes the state almost $340,000.
Racism was declared a public health crisis by King County’s Board of Health.
Inslee cancels pay raises for some execs and orders furloughs for workers as special session looms.
Modified Phase 1, Phase 2 allow indoor services at 25% capacity or 200 people, whichever is less
The county was planning on applying on Monday.