Within my first three months at Seattle Weekly I found myself in

Within my first three months at Seattle Weekly I found myself in close quarters with Larry Flynt, politely tipping male strippers, and browsing porn looking for an alleged rapist. My fellow Northwestern alums were writing up reports on new pharmaceuticals for trade publications or scouring Congressional conference committee reports in D.C. Clearly when it came to the post-graduation job search, I had won.So it is with a very heavy heart that after three years I say goodbye to the Weekly.It’s a rare thing to find a publication that will let you spend the better part of an afternoon dreaming up the dirtiest acronyms you can think of for a pedestrian trail around Lake Union and later encourage you to look into the lives of jobless people who are running out of unemployment benefits in the lingering recession.The Weekly, under the direction of editors Mark Fefer and Mike Seely, is a master of being both intensely thought-provoking (Nina Shapiro’s story on immigrants living the “real America” lifestyle that people who would kick them out of this country supposedly espouse should be required reading) and unabashedly whimsical (check out this week’s REVERB guide!) It’s contemplative and fun–just like George Clooney!My decision to leave came after struggling to produce work worthy of the Weekly and manage an increasing load of contract research, writing, and editing work. With any luck, this won’t be so much a permanent sayonara as it is a shift. I’ll still be riding the Cafe Car every Monday in Voracious and will pester the editors to let me write for the other sections as often as I have a good idea and they are willing to read through my copy. For the readers out there whose biggest disappointment at seeing me go is no longer having the chance to tell me what a biased/hack/bitch reporter and writer I am, you can still give your always-treasured feedback at lauraonstot@yahoo.com. Come say goodbye in person at REVERB tomorrow. And thanks to all for an amazing three years!